EIFFEL at the Forest Sciences’ Day in Helsinki unlocking the power of disaster resilience

EIFFEL Pilot 5: Disaster Resilience > Drought, forest fire & pest risk assessment was presented by our partner Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) during Forest Sciences’ Day, held on October 25 at the Viikki Campus of the University of Helsinki, in the Forest Sciences Building.

The general topic of the Forest Sciences’ Day 2023 was “Climate change in forests” with a special focus on the interactions between climate change and biological diversity, the uncertainties in predicting the future, the human-forest relationships as well as the synergistic solutions for mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss while producing timber.

Within this framework our partner Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) presented the EIFFEL forest pest modelling in a 20 minute impactful presentation in front of 30 representatives from government institutions and universities. The EIFFEL presence attracted the audience’s interest and a fruitful discussion on planning the future steps followed, unlocking the power of disaster resilience.

More Info: https://metsatiede.org/en/forest-science-day/climate-change-in-forests/


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